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Here you will find my best non digital artwork to date, all are physical pieces created through various mediums. It felt right to include this type of work into my portfolio because it reinforces what I do in my professional work. My designs are created in the digital realm by day and by night, I further create through drawing.

I create original works for galleries that I sell through art shows, passion projects for friends and family as well as work that I archive just for myself. My passion for the arts started with just a pencil and gave me a path to a career. The thumbnail image used to represent this section best represents my life as an artist… ‘burning’ from both ends.



Title: Kendrick Lamar
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Jim Morrison
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: David Bowie
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Blank Face - Pose 1
18x24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil and White Oill Pastel on Paper

Title: Amy Winehouse
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Marvin Gaye
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Abuelito

Model: Robert Tiburcio
20x28 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil on Paper

Title: Blank Face - Pose 2
18x24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil and White Oill Pastel on Paper

Title: Lana Del Rey
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Madonna
18 x 24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil with Grey, White, and Black Oil Pastels on Paper

Title: Waiting

Model: Anna
20x24 inch Portait

Charcoal Pencil on Paper

Title: Guise
30x48 inch Portait

Charcoal on Paper